With over 1.5 billion monthly active users, WeChat is the place to be!
Making the most out of your WeChat Marketing means being able to grow your brand in ways you didn’t even imagine possible.
We at EhaiTech want to see your company succeed in the Chinese market. For this reason, we have decided to enlist all the tools we normally use for our WeChat Marketing campaigns. We have tested other tools as well. However, these are the ones we consider to be the most practical and cost-effective.
Enjoy! 🙂
Graphic Editors
- 易点编辑器, also called “Wxeditor”
- 96微信编辑器, also called “96weixin”
- 新榜编辑器, also called “Newrank”
- 91微信编辑器, also called “91join”
- i排版, also called “iPaiban”
- 135微信编辑器, also called “135editor”
- 壹伴助手, also called “yiban”
- 秀米编辑器, also called “Xiumi”
- 易企微微信编辑器, also called “e7wei”
H5 Production Tools
- 免展, also called “rabbitpre”
- 易企秀, also called “eqxiu”
- 秀米, also called “xiumi”
- 易企微, also called “e7wei”
- 有图, also called “youtu”
- 初页, also called “chuye”
- 易LiveApp, also called “YiLive”
- 人人秀, also called “renrenxiu”
- 意派, also called “epub360”
WeChat Marketing Tools
- 爱微帮, also called “aiweibang”
- 新媒体管家, also called “xmt”
- 西瓜公众号助手, also called “xiguaji”
- 微小宝
- 微口网
- 乐观, also called “Leguan”
- 易撰, also called “YiZhuan”
- 新榜, also called “Newrank”
QR Code Tools
- 草料二维码, also called “cli”
- 二维工场, also called “9thws”
- 联图网, also called “liantu”
- wwei创意QR code, also called “wwei”
Picture Editing Tools
- 创客贴, also called “chuangkit”
- 360识图, also called “360pic”
- 美图GIF
- 百度识图, also called “Baidu stock images”
- tuyitu动图制作, also called “tuyitu”
- Canva
- Nippon Colors
- 美图秀秀, also called “MeituPic”
- Ulead GIF
- Giphy
Mindmap Tools
- MindManager
- XMind
- 百度脑图, also called “naotu Baidu”
Data Form Tools
- 金数据, also called “jinshuju”
- 表单大师, also called “jsform”
- 麦客, also called “MikeCRM”
- 腾讯问卷, also called “Tencent surveys”
- 问道网, also called “AskForm”
- 问卷星, also called “wjx”
- 调查派, also called “diaochapai”
Community Management Tools
Hot Topic Detection Tools
- 百度搜索风云榜, also called “Baidu top topics”
- 网评排行— 搜孤, also called “Sohu news”
- 热门新闻每周排行, also called “Sina news”
- 热门微博/话题, also called “Weibo top topics”
- 百度指数, also called “Baidu top searches”
- 知乎实时热门, also called “Zhihu top searches”
- 豆瓣 - 话题广场, also called “Douban top content”
- 优酷视频 - 资讯热点, also called “Youku top searches”
E-commerce Platform Tools
- 有赞, also called “youzan”
- 微店, also called “weidian”
- 微盟, also called “weimob”
- 微信海, also called “weixinhai”
- 点点客, also called “dodoca”
URL Shorteners
- 新浪短网址, a link shortener from Sina
- 淘宝短网址, a link shortener from Taobao
- 缩我, also called “Suo”
- 百度短网址, a link shortener from Baidu
- 短网址
Advertising Tools
- 微博易, also called “weiboyi”
- 新榜, also called “Newrank”
- 一道自媒体, also called “yidao”
- 微果酱, also called “wpweixin”
Big Data Tools
- 新榜, also called “Newrank”
- 爱微帮, also called “aiweibang”
- 清博指数, also called “gsdata”
- 西瓜助手, also called “xiguaji”
- 腾讯微校, also called “weixiao”
- 乐观号, also called “leguan”
- 易撰, also called “yizhuan”
Video and Audio Editing Tools
- 格式工厂, also called “PCgeshi”
- 会声会影, also “Corel video studio”
- 狸窝全能转换器, also called “leawo”
- 迅雷影音, also called “xunlei”
Learning Tools and Materials
- Marketing Tricks
- 爱运营, also called “iyunying”
- 微果酱, also called “wpweixin”
- 极客学院, also called “jikexueyuan”
- 插座学院, also called “chazuomba”
- 馒头商学院, also called “mtedu”
- 姑婆那些事, also called “gupowang”
- 人人都是产品经理, also called “wo shi PM”
- 老夏分析师, also called “laoxia”
- Copywriting Tricks
- 顶尖文案, also called “Topys”
- 文案摇滚帮, also called “Ideakick”
- 广告也疯狂, also called “crazyid”
- 广告门, also called “adquan”
- 4a广案提问网, also called “Chinaadren”
- 一条特立独行的广告
- H5
- H5广告资讯站
Other WeChat Marketing Tools
- 有道云笔记, also called “youdao”
- 印象笔记, also called “Evernote”
- 百度文档, also called “Baidu wenku”
- 石墨文档, also called “Shimo”
- 百度图说, also called “Baidu tushuo”
- uetodir(online html editor)
We hope this list of WeChat marketing tools was useful to you.
If you have any questions or would like to get started with WeChat marketing, feel free to contact us at any time!
Leave a message here and we’ll reply immediately after.
Have a great day!